7 Ways To Prevent Stretch Marks For New Moms
The Best Way To Reduce The Appearance of Stretch Marks Before and After Baby
If you are pregnant for the first time, you’re probably concerned about stretch marks. We all have seen moms who can sport a sexy bikini with no evidence of ever being pregnant and then there’s the rest of us who get stretch marks just looking at a baby. Luckily there are ways to prevent stretch marks for new moms. The following tips are derived from years of working with top elite fitness models and bikini competitors and from my own experience after losing weight. Here are a few tips you can do daily that really work to prevent and get rid of stretch marks. Make sure to read to the end where I share 3 fitness workouts to keep your skin tight, firm, smooth, and stretch-mark-free.
Best Tips To Prevent Stretch Marks
– Avoid excessive weight gain in a short time span. Make sure you follow your doctor’s advice about how much weight gain is healthy for you.
– Make sure to follow a healthy exercise routine. Regular exercise helps to tone your muscles and keep your skin firm.
– Maintain a healthy diet of protein rich foods, lots of green leafy vegetables and healthy whole grains. Foods rich in vitamin C like citrus fruits and omega 3s you get from eating oily fish should be included in your diet. Talk to your doctor about supplements you can take to improve skin elasticity.
– Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Drinking at least 64 ounces of water will enable your body to produce plenty of collagen and elastin in order to form new healthy skin cells.
– To avoid stretch marks around and on your breasts, wear a supportive maternity bra.
– Exfoliate your skin often by using a gentle sugar scrub with organic virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil contains vitamin E and antioxidants that help remove stretch marks.
– Massage your skin daily massage with creams that have aloe, shea butter, coconut butter, rosehip seed oil, orange oil, grapefruit seed extract jojoba oil, mango butter, Olive oil, and other natural and organic ingredients that can fade scars and stretch marks like Advanced Stretch Mark And Scar Cream to restore and repair your skin.
How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks
There are many minimally invasive medical treatments including a laser that can help get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy. Topical creams that have ingredients that are safe to use during pregnancy are a way to help in preventing pregnancy stretch marks.
Advanced Stretch Marks Removal and Scar Cream That Smooths and Repairs Skin – Restore and Repair your skin with our pure formulation removing and reducing old and new stretch marks.
Advanced Formula for hands, feet, heels, knees, elbows, and anyplace you have rough skin. Apply quarter-size cream to your hands after you do dishes, bath, shower, and throughout the day and before bed. Massage into the skin completely. Do not wash off. It is perfect as a total body moisturizer. Ideal to help prevent rough skin too. Perfect for long-term use reduction and removal of old stretch marks without side effects. Works great after exfoliation. Used effectively with micro-needling and galvanic skin tighter devices.
Ingredients In This potent Advanced Stretch Mark and Scar Cream: An herbal infusion of 23 natural and organic ingredients to remove, firm, smooth, tighten and reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars. Highlights of the Products:
- Restore and Repair your skin with our pure formulation lighting and reducing old and new scars and stretch marks.
- Fades Scars and Stretch marks – Natural Scar and Stretch Mark Reducer/Remover
- Perfect for Women – Pregnancy Safe with Pure and Natural Ingredients helps prevent pregnancy stretch marks and scars.
- Remove and reduce the appearance of new and old scars and stretch marks while you lose weight
- Dramatically Reduce the appearance of stretch marks and Scars
- Pregnancy Safe – Perfect for use before, during, and after pregnancy
- Multiple moisturizing ingredients – *Shea Butter *Vitamin E * Cocoa Butter* Vitamin C*Anti-Oxidants
- Improves skin elasticity to prevent future stretch marks and scars

“I am on a keto diet, which is good for reducing stretch marks as you lose weight because it’s good for your skin with all the collagen you eat. I like this stretch mark cream, it’s helping me keep my skin taught and firm as I drop weight, I have twenty more pounds to go and the last thing I want is yucky stretch marks.”- April B. Vega
ORDER YOUR PERSONAL SUPPLY TODAY..and start feeling and seeing amazing benefits to your skin and body!
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Victoria Johnson
Celebrity Trainer And Best Selling Author, Global Skincare And Supplement Designer
Founder of Skin Tight Naturals
Victoria Johnson-Fitness Model with over 20,000 Photo & Video Shoots, Founder of Skin Tight Naturals, Clinical High-Performance Skin & Health Products Company. Best Selling Fitness & Nutrition Author, Professional Trainer, Endorsed Athlete & Entrepreneur! Live Your Passion, Love Your Skin & Get Fit & Sexy at any age and stage of life!
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