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Natural Cellulite Removal Cream Glaze For Tightening And Detoxing Skin


Healthy FAT BREAKDOWN, Natural Skin Detox Cellulite Cream Glaze For Toning, Firming, Tightening, Purifying Skin Cells and Reshaping Your Body

 You not only have to reduce toxins, eat right and exercise, but you also have to get rid of dangerous toxins that clog your fat cells, makes unsightly dimples and wreaks havoc on your health and stops you from toning muscles and losing weight.

Just a few of Slim & Tone's Potent Effective Glaze Ingredients: 

  • L-Carnitine: Revolutionary Natural Protein. Natural Metabolic Boost. A naturally occurring amino acid that is vital for the metabolism of fats in the body and exhibits exfoliating properties and the ability to reduce skin turnover, hydrate the skin, leaving it soft, smooth and moisturized.
  • Rose Hips Oil: Ultimate skin repair.  It smooths and softens skin helps plus it helps diminish the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and wrinkling.
  • Super Vitamin E Tocopheryl Acetate: Repairs skin damage. The antioxidant properties of vitamin E can help to prevent damage to the skin caused by free radicals from UV exposure. Vitamin E may also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.
  • Green Tea: Antioxidant are a powerful anti-aging weapon. It is loaded with antioxidants – known as catechins – they are great for rejuvenating skin cells. It eliminates acne, breakouts and helps restore skin from disorders.
  • Collagen: Rebuild and repair damaged lumpy skin.  Our high quality collagen is a vital protein we added for several reasons, as collagen is a building block that promotes skin elasticity. It works to reverse aging skin and help preserve skin texture. An important ingredient that makes your skin look smoother and more toned. It promotes plumper, tighter, healthier glowing vibrant skin that glows.

Plus over 15 more amazing ingredients! SMALL BATCH Manufacturing that is PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA!

Glaze Benefits and Effects

  • Anti Aging Formula that Tones  Firms and Detoxes Thighs Buttocks Abdomen and Arm Skin 
  • Detoxifies Fatty Tissues (excess wastes and toxins are dangerous) Breaks Down Cellulite. Assists you in your quest for a healthy fit body.
  • Dissolve Toxins and impurities while firming and toning skin
  • Enhance Cellular Integrity Promoting Greater Overall Cleansing Health
  • Natural Ingredients that are Concentrated and Potent (no fillers)
  • Detox, Cleanse, Lifts, Firms, and Tones!

Slim & Tone Instant Skin Tightening – A Natural Skin Firming Cellulite Formula!

Breakthrough formula now allows you to have instant skin tightening, firming and detoxing while you are working towards your perfect body!

We have the most concentrated cream in the world! It's Super Concentrated Natural Cellulite Cream Formulation with Over 20 Potent Highly Effective Ingredients.  They are dimple Blasting Natural Elements That Gives Your Skin a Clean, Silky, Firm and Toned Surface Appearance.

PROTECT YOURSELF: DETOX SKIN.  With all the unclean toxins and bacteria on chairs, tables, gym equipment, yoga floor and anyplace else you visit, it's more important than ever to detox your fat cells and skin while encouraging new skin to regenerate collagen, develop smoother and healthier.  


MADE IN THE USA. We are an American based small batch fresh organization. That means we make every batch from scratch and then it is shipped to the warehouse ready to be shipped to you.  We are a privately owned company so you and your results are important to us and we have heart felt appreciation when you use our products.

 You will love how your skin feels and looks. When lady lumps and baby bumps are not an option. This is your secret weapon to look great naked! 

Conscious Commerce: Our products are prepared fresh, made int eh USA, produced clean, using potent, natural ingredients and they are parafin free, cruelty free and comes in a recyclable container. Good for you and good for the planet.

Order your 3 month supply right now! FREE SHIPPING.

To make your detox and weight loss more complete, try our:

Beauty Fit Detox Tea For Reducing Weight, Slimming Waist, Reducing Toxins & Improving Skin. It's Formulation Works on Lower Abs, Cleanses Liver. 6 Powerful Ingredients, 14 Days + 7 More! + A Quick Start Diet E-Book With Receipt.


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