Tighten Skin After Pregnancy
5 Tips For Tightening Loose Skin Post Baby

Hi Victoria!
I just had a baby about 6 months ago and I’m having a hard time knowing how to get my skin back tight again. I thought I’d be back into my bikini by now, but I am far from it. I know it takes a while, but I didn’t think it would take this LONG!! I don’t feel comfortable in my skin and I definitely don’t feel comfortable when I am intimate with my husband. I never had this problem before. I loved my body in the past, and now I’m feeling bad about the way I look. Do you have any suggestions on how I can tighten up all the loose skin on my stomach and thighs? Oh…and my butt is saggy too! Ugh!
Hi Tammy!
I feel your pain girlfriend! After I lost over 60 pounds my skin was loose too! On top of that, I had embarrassing stretch marks on the sides of my abs and thighs. I felt self-conscious when it came to modeling in a bikini. I’ve always been into natural remedies and for years I tried so many products and spent thousands of dollars for exclusive skin treatments at some of the worlds top spas! Some worked, a lot didn’t. As a professional trainer and dancer, choreographer, fitness trainer, and natural skincare and health supplement alchemist, I share the best ways to tighten loose skin. Here is how you can tighten loose skin after pregnancy so you can get back your hourglass bikini body and the “Junk in your truck” back. Here are a few of my favorite and effective exercises you can do to get started.
DIY Body Wraps For A Flat Stomach and Thinner Thighs (with that sexy ‘thigh-gap’ Thing Going On! )
Body wraps are a great way to tighten your skin after having a baby. Why? Body wraps help with detoxification. Toxins are released from your fat by the lymphatic stimulation of a body wrap. Body wraps will help shrink your fat cells by releasing excess water, resulting in tons of inch loss. Also, if you are using a professional strength anti-cellulite cream with the right ingredients, the cream will stimulate new collagen. Collagen is a protein your body naturally produces. As you age, it decreases. You need more collagen after having a baby because you had to share your nutrients with your baby while he or she was in your womb. A exclusive spa-strength anti-cellulite cream used with a body wrap will help to revitalize, smooth, and rejuvenate and tighten your skin.
Tighten, Reshape, Realign
The fastest way to tighten your stomach after having a baby is with a method that will work for you when you even when you are not exercising. When you’re pregnant, not did your skin get stretched, as well as your ribcage. The ribcage will not go back unless you slowly and safely reshape it back. If you have a lot of loose skin, you may want to consider surgery, but if you only have a little and you still want to have more children, waist training is a great way to get your shape back, tighten your abdominal muscles along with exercise, help improve posture, and keep your spine. For one of my favorite waist trainers click here!
Posture is very important. It helps you to use your core stomach muscles for movement. Wearing a waist trainer helps you to do this and also to eat less. Wast training aids in helping your body reshaping faster.
Tighten The Giggle To Stop The Wiggle – Make Weights Your Best Friend
The best way to tighten skin after pregnancy is to do exercises that tighten your skin. The only mode of exercise that tightens skin is strength training. If you are a woman, you may be shying away from weight training because you think you will get that big ‘bulky' look. The only way a woman can look bulky is if there is not enough fat loss. Muscle on women is thin but heavy and takes up less space than big puffy fat. If you decide to try weight training, it’s okay to keep the weights very light in the beginning to prevent injury, but over time you will want to increase the weight according to natural progression.
For example, over time weight will need to be increased because it will become too easy to lift. Another reason why you want to lift heavier weight is that if you have more muscle mass you will be able to burn more fat! Having more muscle helps your skin to retract, and stimulates collagen to make new skin resulting in a toned smooth body with tight skin. Another one of our great secrets to tightening skin is our Best Seller Tighten Up Crepe Skin Formula, check it out!
Always Eat Skin Tightening Foods
None of the above will work if your diet isn’t at least 80% clean. Eating protein, lots of fresh fruit and veggies, staying away from starchy grains and vegetables will help you tighten your skin faster. Eat lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, and foods loaded with protein. Eating healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, omega 3s, and flax and chia seeds are excellent sources. For added skin tightening benefits, add green tea powder to your protein shakes and smoothies. The antioxidants in the tea help to create new collagen too. And as a side benefit, will give you energy, fat burning power, and focus to handle a busy mommy life!
Drink Lots of Water (helps to detox – add link to detox tea)
Every organ in your body needs water to function. Your skin needs it more than anything after having a baby. To get your skin sexy and tight again, drink at least 64-80 ounces every day. Water helps to flush fat, release toxins, and improves skin texture. If you don’t like the taste of water, stay way from adding artificially sweetened low-calorie additives. Boost great water taste by adding fresh or frozen fruit to your water instead. A fruit infuser water bottle works great for this.
Lastly, one thing that will help you 24/7 to tighten your skin is to use my Slim & Tone Anti-cellulite cream under your waist trainer, on your skin when you workout, or as an all over body cream during the day. I like to use it on my arms, belly, and thighs when I workout.
Here’s why My Slim & Tone Anti-Cellulite Cream works so well.